Our products

Developed for you

Why complicated, when it could be simple?

Throughout our work we come across things again and again which, in our opinion, could do with improving. That's why we then knuckle down and begin the process. 
Power clamp

Power clamp

Small, but packs a punch: The Power Clamp has had plenty of blood, sweat and tears poured into it. What may appear simple is the product of many exciting hours of work. The Power Clamp is used on construction sites. Its easy-to-use design means that it can transport any kind of building material made of wood from the floor and to the right location. Simply drill a hole, attach the Power Clamps, lift with a crane; thereafter, simply remove the Clamps in a turning hand motion – and before you know it, the work step is finished.
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Automatic skylight

Automatic skylight

With this made-to-measure product, we bring sunshine into your home. Our newly developed, automatic skylight allows natural light to flow into your rooms. Along with glass light bands, this helps to greatly enhance the interior quality of your eco-home. As well as being easy to operate and characterised by a high degree of functionality, there is one other key reason to have our skylight fitted: Its sophisticated appearance, which acts as a stunning accompaniment to your own four walls.
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